Import solution with PowerShell is not activating SDK-steps

Today I deployed a solution with SDK-steps with the following PowerShell (intro to CRM and PowerShell can be found here):

if (-Not (Get-Module -Name Microsoft.Xrm.Data.Powershell)) { 
     Import-Module Microsoft.Xrm.Data.Powershell 

$zipLocation = 'C:\Users\x.y\Downloads'
$timeoutInSeconds = 600

$crmOrg = Get-CrmConnection -InteractiveMode
Set-CrmConnectionTimeout -TimeoutInSeconds:$timeoutInSeconds -conn:$crmOrg

Import-CrmSolutionAsync -SolutionFilePath:$zipLocation'\' -OverwriteUnManagedCustomizations:$true -conn:$crmOrg -MaxWaitTimeInSeconds:$timeoutInSeconds -BlockUntilImportComplete:$true

Problem: After deploying the solution most of the SDK-steps were disabled.

Solution: Adding the following Import-CrmSolutionAsync-parameter solved the issue: 


So this paramteres triggers not only the activation of workflows it activates also the SDK-steps.

CRM2016, Customizing, Deployment, Dynamics 365, PowerShell, SDK